
Archive for April, 2010

Hi everyone,

This is a short note to let you all know that we are still alive and well.    After we left Branson, Missouri, we headed for Masonville, Colorado to go and visit with NanCarrol’s sister, Inky and her husband Joe.  We had a really nice time with them.    Inky and NanCarrol sat and made jewelry together, and we all celebrated NanCarrol’s birthday last week by going to Olive Garden.  Joe does most of the cooking and fed us royally while we were there, and Inky was a wonderful hostess and a great Jazzercise partner for NanCarrol.

NanCarrol's sister Inky, doing the zimba, I have no idea what that is.

Joe, Inky, NanCarrol and Glenn at Olive Garden on NanCarrol's Birthday

We spent a week and a half with them.  The final day we spent with one of NanCarrol’s dear friends, Angie Hinojos, who lives in Loveland, Colorado.

NanCarrol with her dear friend Angie, what a sweet spirit she has.

It was a very nice visit with Angie.  We stayed overnight with her and left about a week ago to be in Sunset, Utah for a service appointment for our coach.  When we got here, we were surprised to see about 7 coaches that were identical to ours sitting in the lot.   As soon as we got here, couples emerged from their coaches to welcome us, and we sat outside and visited.

Each of the coaches were home to retired couples waiting for Charlie to complete the work on their coaches. Ours is the last one in the row next to the trailer

Coaches have come and gone since we arrived.  When we got here, I originally had a list of about 4 things to correct.   That list has grown to about 35 items, of fix-its, add-ons, and maintenance issues.  Charlie, who owns the service center, specializes in Alfa’s, which is the coach we own, so he has a whole bunch of things that he was doing to each of the coaches to customize them.  We all walked through each other’s coaches to get ideas, and sat outside, and went to restaurants with each other, sharing stories of our travel adventures.  It seems that we are the most adventurous of the group.  All of them use their coaches as their primary residence going from the north in the fall to the south, and back again.  They all set up for months in one place, which is the traditional snowbirds.

Yep, that's our coach. We came in with the slide stuck. The guy inside the access panel found a broken shear pin, so we had our slide back in about 15 minutes after living with it stuck for almost two months.

We will leave here on Thursday morning if all goes well with the work that is being done, and will be in Orangevale, California on Friday night, pending weather going over Donner Pass.   We have a host of kids, grandkids, brothers, sisters, cousins, nephews, nieces, not to mention great nephews and nieces, and friends that we are headed to see.  Should be quite a reunion and we are looking forward to it greatly.   NanCarrol is enjoying making jewelry, as she is travelling and sat with her sister making jewelry with her.    Well that’s about if for this posting, this month has mostly been visiting and sitting with the coach waiting patiently for the work to be completed.  So for all of you in California and Washington, WE CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOU!!!!!!!!

Love you all,

Glenn & NanCarrol

This picture was taken as we traveled west on I-80 in Wyoming

As we entered Utah near Ogden, we travelled through these mountains. Makes me kind of homesick for our beautiful Cascade mountains at home

This is Joe and Inky's view out their front window. They have cattle that wander their property on 400 acres

One of NanCarrol's creations in process

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